California Ave. Clinic 661.631.8793 x1
Riverlakes Aquatic Clinic 661-529-2303 x1

Request Appointments
[email protected]
Submit Referrals
[email protected]
Fax: 661.631.9257


Welcome to our clinics page for providers. We are honored that you have entrusted us with the care of your patients. 

Be assured that we will do all in our power to provide the best care and customer service to each patient. 
From here you will be able to submit patient referrals, request status on a patient(s), request medical records, communicate with any member of our team via text, print a copy of our referral scripts, check our current insurance list and submit a testimonial of our services. 

Accepted Insurance Plans

Referral Form

Medical Record Request

Patient Testimonial

For more information contact one of the following:

Darius Populin
Head Office Manager 
PHONE: 661-558-1099 
Amanda Davis
Office Manager     

PHONE:  661-558-1118

Virginia Espinoza
Downtown Follow-up Scheduler
EMAIL: [email protected]
PHONE:  661-558-1124 
Joanna Cariso
Medical Records/Patient Status  
PHONE:  661-558-1120 
Olga Quezada
Riverlakes Rosedale Clinic Evaluation Scheduler

Downtown Clinic

5300 California Ave. Suite 110
Bakersfield, CA 93309
Monday – Friday:
9 AM – 6 PM
Saturday & Sunday:
Phone: (661) 631-8793 x1

Northwest / Aquatic Center

3850 Riverlakes Dr Suite A
Bakersfield, CA 93312

Monday – Friday:
9 AM – 6 PM

Sunday: 9am to 4pm
Saturday Closed:

Phone: (661) 529-2303 x1