California Ave. Clinic 661.631.8793 x1
Riverlakes Aquatic Clinic 661-529-2303 x1

Request Appointments
[email protected]
Submit Referrals
[email protected]
Fax: 661.631.9257

Attorneys / Legal Offices

Welcome to our attorney and legal counsel page. From here you will be able to submit a request for subpoenas, medical and  billing records. For personal injury and auto accident cases, you may print out a copy of our lien and submit that with the referral from the treating doctor and a letter of representation. Your request will be reviewed and our scheduling department will contact your client. 

Medical Records/Subpoena Request: 

Please input your client’s information and attach your subpoena/letter of representation.

Downtown Clinic

5300 California Ave. Suite 110
Bakersfield, CA 93309
Monday – Friday:
9 AM – 6 PM
Saturday & Sunday:
Phone: (661) 631-8793 x1

Northwest / Aquatic Center

3850 Riverlakes Dr Suite A
Bakersfield, CA 93312

Monday – Friday:
9 AM – 6 PM

Sunday: 9am to 4pm
Saturday Closed:

Phone: (661) 529-2303 x1