Physical Therapy Can Help Treat and Prevent Diabetes

Physical therapy can play a very important role in helping people both manage their diabetes and prevent many of the complications that arise from this chronic condition.  Diabetes is a chronic disease that currently affects 34.2 million adults in the United States alone, according to the CDC. In addition to making it difficult for individuals […]

PT Offers Tips for Managing Herniated Disc Pain

Herniated disc pain is one of the most debilitating ailments affecting individuals from age 30 and up. Herniated discs in the lower back and neck can irritate nearby nerves, causing individuals extreme pain in the neck, shoulders, arms, and/or legs. The pain caused by a herniated disc can be extremely uncomfortable and can negatively impact […]

Improving Mobility and Strength Can Help You Better Manage Your Arthritis

Arthritis is a common ailment that can drastically impact your quality of life and affect you at any age. Individuals who focus on improving their range of motion and follow a strength training plan can significantly minimize arthritis symptoms.  Individuals suffering from arthritis often tend to avoid certain movements to prevent triggering their pain. Unfortunately, this […]

Holidays an Ideal Time for a Refresher on Proper Lifting

Digging out boxes of holiday decorations, hauling packages to and from the car, hiding gifts away on the higher shelves at the back of your closet … the Holiday Season certainly requires its fair share of bending, lifting and reaching. This, coupled with the cooler weather, makes December the ideal time for a refresher on […]

5 Ways to Feel Gratitude in the Face of Challenges

November is a month when gratitude takes its place in the spotlight of American culture. Yet, with the challenges our country has faced this year, a popular notion as we approach the final weeks of 2020 is “let’s just get this year over with.”  While this sentiment may seem understandable, our team would like to remind people that it’s possible to […]

See Your PT Annually for Injury Prevention, Early Intervention

We all know that visiting your physician for an annual physical is critical in maintaining long-term health, just as dental exams twice each year helps ensure oral health throughout a lifetime. But what about annual check-ups with a physical therapist?  According to physical therapists across the country, including those with the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), annual physical therapy […]

At-Home Learning: Don’t Overlook Physical Activity

As the school year gains momentum during the COVID crisis and more kids and families adjust to various levels of at-home learning, parents and instructors should not overlook what should be a standard facet of all children’s curriculum: physical activity.  Kids need to be given time to move around, exercise and play, even as they adjust to a new structure and […]

Our Knees: ‘Canaries in the Coal Mine’ of Movement & Exercise Issues

Despite being the largest and perhaps most complicated joints in our bodies, our knees are naturally docile.  They’re easily influenced by what’s going on above and below them, in other words, not making many decisions on their own.  That’s why when one experiences knee pain, the true causes of the joint’s wear and tear can almost always be traced up or down the leg – oftentimes in both directions.  […]

Will Running Damage Your Knees? Studies Say No.

Is running bad for your knees?  Physical therapists say this is a common question among both avid runners and those who may start running for exercise or to participate in that first 5K.  It’s a question that highlights a common concern about running – that it’s an activity that’s good for the heart but bad for the knees.  For most people, though, the answer is a resounding […]

Artists: Don’t Let Pain or Injury Dampen Your Creative Spirit

We often don’t consider the long-term impact that practicing the fine arts can have on the body.  Yet, according to physical therapists, dancers, musicians, visual artists and even performing artists are not immune to experiencing pain and injury related to their crafts.  Artists of all types express themselves in ways that require various levels of strength, […]